Friday 3 June 2011

Deer in the Garden

Young male Roe Deer in front garden
The wildlife here in France is everything that we hoped for and more. As I am writing this I have the door open so I can hear the Great Tits, Sparrows and Blackbirds, amongst others, chirping away.  I've not heard him yet this morning, but I'm sure that the Skylark will be adding his tune to the symphony soon.

Anyway, I digress from what I should be doing, which is writing about this gorgeous Roe deer who popped in for a munch the other morning.

Maybe if we hadn't disturbed him with the noise of the camera he might have sorted out the long grass around the Poplar tree!

We know from the stubby horns on his head that this is a young male Roe deer, probably about 1 or 2 years old.  We think that we have seen him about quite a lot with an older male, but of course it is impossible to be certain.

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