Sunday 5 June 2011

Bambi in the Back Garden

Roe Deer in back garden
Caught red-hoofed! Is this the culprit who decimated our strawberry patch last month? 

Early this morning we spotted this beautiful female Roe deer in the back garden. She had been sitting quietly amongst the Lupins before she decided it was time to get up for breakfast. Fortunately for us there is nothing but grass growing in the tunnel she chose to  munch from so no harm done this time. 

It is lovely seeing the deer so close at hand and, even though we have had this place for four years now, we still get a buzz from seeing them. It is also interesting that we have at least three different deer visit us on a regular basis. We wonder if they are part of the family group we used to see feeding in the fields in the winter.

Roe Deer in back garden

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